2009-3-18 21:36 jo0617
Iconsoft PhonEx  
本IconsoftPhone Extension (PhonEx) 是新一代新類型的 PPC手機電話、簡訊與聯絡人功能軟體,內置Iconsoft移動手機功能引擎,具有 iPhone 式的風格,可以完全取代你的 PPC 手機的電話(含聯絡人與簡訊)介面功能。

TheIconsoftPhone Extension or PhonEx is a new generationprogramimplementing a newtype of user interface for managing themainfunctions of a telephone,built on the basis of the IconsoftMobileEngine. PhonEx opens up newpossibilities for easy interactionusingsimple touch, without the stylus, while retaining all thecapabilitiesof aWindowsMobilepalmtop computer.

●軟體特性 / Features:
*便利和直觀的界面 /Convenient and intuitive interface

*相互作用簡易的觸控介面 /Interaction using simple touch (without stylus)  

* 手機今日插件 / Today plug-in
*手機聯絡人電話簿 /Address book
*手機聯絡人大頭貼(包含 SIM 卡內的聯絡人) /Photo contacts (including SIM contacts)
*個別通話內容的設置(包含 SIM 卡內的聯絡人)/Individual tune for calls (including SIM contacts)
* 每一聯絡人的通話記錄 / Expanded call history for each contact
*圖片庫 /Image library
*最愛聯絡人群組 /Favorites group
*來電全螢幕顯示 /Full-screen incoming call
*全螢幕撥號器 /Full-screen Dialer
* 新形式簡單易用的撥號鍵 / New and easy Phonepad
*便利的聯絡人搜索介面 /Convenient contact search
* 個人化功能 / Personalization
*廣泛的選擇能力 /Broad options capability
* 更多功能內容 / and much more!

●系統安裝需求 / System Requirements:
WM5 ~ WM6.1 系統,具有觸控螢幕功能的手機。
IconsoftPhoneExtension works with any Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0, 6.1devices.Deviceswithout a touch screen and older platforms are notsupported.



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